WEB250218F Stinkin Rich, Insurance Poor: P&C Coverage Challenges for High-Net-Worth Individuals
WEB250218F Stinkin Rich, Insurance Poor: P&C Coverage Challenges for High-Net-Worth Individuals
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (PST)
Valid for 3 CE HI | ID | MT | OR | WA
Course Description: Personal lines insurance pros often face challenges when trying to identify and place exposures unique to high-net-worth individuals. This course is a deep-dive into many such exposures and will assist agents in the risk management process as well as providing needed insurance solutions for such insureds.
Instructor: Kym Martell, CRM, CIC, CRIS, AAI, MLIS
Webinar FAQ's:
- Webinars are live and interactive!
- You must be present, at your own computer and answer polling questions to receive CE credit.
- Computer speakers are required. Zoom Webinar platform is used.
- Once registered, detailed information will be in your confirmation email. Connection information is emailed the day before and 1 hour before the start of the webinar.
- To enter the webinar, click the webinar link that will be emailed to you. Enter your name and email address so the system can recognize you as you answer polling questions.
- It is the responsibility of the attendee to ensure the correct time of the webinar for their time zone.
- Please be sure to make our default email address piawest@piawest.com a safe to receive email from your servers. This is the email address used to send connection information the day before and a reminder the morning of the webinar.
Additional Info
Membership with PIA Western Alliance does allow for a discount of $30 for FISCE webinars. $59 Member, $89 Non-Member pricing. You must login for the system to recognize your active membership.
Webinar Cancellation policy: notices may be received in writing up to 7 days prior to the scheduled webinar and are transferrable to 1 future webinar only. No shows from attendance reports on the day of the webinar will not be refunded and if the no show had a balance due, they will be invoiced accordingly. Sorry - No exceptions.